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Selected Publications

  • Croog SH, Levine S, Testa MA, Brown B, Bulpitt CJ, Jenkins CD, Klerman GL and Williams GH. The effects of antihypertensive therapy on the quality of life. N Engl J Med 1986;314:1657 1664. (PMID: 3520318)

  • Testa, MA: Quality of life during antihypertensive therapy: Techniques for clinical assessment and evaluation, Br J Clin Pharmacology 1987;23:9S 13S. (PMID: 3580259)
  • Testa, MA. Interpreting quality of life clinical trial data for use in the clinical practice of antihypertensive therapy, J Hypertension 1987;5 (Suppl. 1):S9 S13. (PMID: 3553497)
  • Williams GH, Croog SH, Levine S, Testa MA and Sudilovsky A. Impact of antihypertensive therapy on quality of life: Effect of hydrochlorothiazide. J Hypertension 1987;5(Suppl. 1):S29 S35. (PMID: 3553493)
  • Croog SH, Levine S, Testa MA and Sudilovsky A. Work performance and antihypertensive medications: A comparison of captopril, methyldopa and propranolol. J Hypertension 1987;5(Suppl. 1):S47 S54. (PMID: 3553496)
  • Levine S, Croog SH, Sudilovsky A and Testa MA. Antihypertension and life satisfaction. Quality of Life and Cardiovascular Care 1987:3:26 28.
  • Levine S, Croog SH, Sudilovsky A and Testa MA. Effects of antihypertensive medications on vitality and well-being. J Family Practice 1987 25:357 363. (PMID: 3309131)
  • Williams GH and Testa MA. Quality of life: An important consideration in antihypertensive therapy. In Management of Hypertension: A Multifactorial Approach (NK Hollenberg, Ed.), Scientific Therapeutics Information, Butterworth Publishers, Stoneham, MA, 1987, pp. 79 100.
  • Pinkerton RE, Garibaldi RA, Conrad C, Bush F, Brown DH, Testa MA, Mancini L, Lerer TJ, Ryan R, Aukerman G and Tilton R. Urinary tract symptoms in rural New England family practice: A microbiologic evaluation. J Amer Board of Family Practice 1988;1:39 45. (PMID: 3414387)
  • Williams GH and Testa MA. Quality of life and its assessment in treating hypertension. Current Opinion in Cardiology 1988:3 (Supplement 1);577 581.
  • Testa MA and Simonson DC. Measuring quality of life in hypertensive patients with diabetes. Post Graduate Medical Journal 1988: 64(Supplement);50 58.
  • KROC Collaborative Study Group (M. Testa, Co author). Diabetic retinopathy after two years of intensified insulin treatment. Follow up of KROC Collaborative Study, JAMA 1988; 260:37 41.
  • Spackman TJ, Peccei R, and Testa MA. Commercial research and development in times of financial restraint, Investigative Radiology 1988; 23:791 794.
  • Testa MA, Sudilovsky A, Rippey R and Williams GH: A short form for the clinical assessment of quality of life in hypertensive patients. Amer J Prev Med 1989;5:82 89.
  • Sudilovsky A, Croog SH, Crook T, Turnbull B, Testa MA, Levine S and Klerman GL. Differential effects of antihypertensive medications on cognitive functioning. Psychopharmacology Bulletin 1989; 25: 133 138.
  • Schoenberger JA, Testa M, Ross AD, Brennan WK, Bannon JA. Efficacy, safety and quality of life assessment of captopril antihypertensive therapy in clinical practice. Archives of Internal Medicine, Arch Intern Med 1990; 150:301-306.
  • Testa MA, Hollenberg NK, Anderson RA, Williams GH. Assessment of quality of life by patient and spouse during antihypertensive therapy with atenolol and nifedipine GITS. Am J Hypertens 1991; 4:363-373.
  • Hollenberg NK, Testa M, and Williams, G. Quality of Life as a therapeutic endpoint: An analysis of therapeutic trials in Hypertension, Drug Saf 1991;6:83-93.
  • Gelber RD, Lenderking WR, Cotton DJ, Cole B, Fischl MA, Goldhirsch A and Testa MA. Quality-of-life evaluation in a clinical trial of zidovudine therapy for patients with mildly symptomatic HIV infection. Ann Intern Med 1992;116:961-966.
  • Testa MA and Lenderking WR. Interpreting pharmacoeconomic and quality-of-life clinical trial data for use in therapeutics. PharmacoEconomics 1992;2:107-117.
  • Testa MA. Parallel perspectives on quality of life during antihypertensive therapy: Impact of responder, survey environment and questionnaire structure. J Cardiovas Pharmacol 1993;21:S18-S25.
  • Testa MA, Anderson RB, Nackley JF and Hollenberg NK: Quality of life and antihypertensive therapy in men: A comparison of captopril with enalapril, N Eng J Med 1993;328:907-13.
  • Testa MA, Nackley JF. Methods for quality-of-life studies. Annu Rev Public Health 1994;15:535-59.
  • Anderson RB and Testa, MA. Symptom distress checklists as a component of quality-of-life measurement: Comparing prompted reports by patient and physician with concurrent adverse event reports via the Physician. Drug Inf J 1994;28:89-114.
  • Lenderking WR, Gelber RD, Cotton DJ, Cole BF, Goldhirsch A, Volberding PA and Testa MA. Evaluation of quality of life associated with zidovudine therapy in asymptomatic human immunodeficiency virus infection. N Engl J Med 1994;330:738-43.
  • Parker JD, Testa MA, Jimenez AH, Tofler GH, Muller JE, Parker JO and Stone PH. Morning increase in ambulatory ischemia in patients with stable coronary artery disease: Importance of physical activity and increased cardiac demand. Circulation 1994;89:604-614.
  • Andrade SE, Walker AM, Gottlieb LK, Hollenberg NK, Testa MA, Sapieria GM, Platt R. Discontinuation of antihyperlipidemic drugs -- Do rates reported in clinical trials reflect rates in primary care settings? N Engl J Med 1995:332:1125-31.
  • Anderson RB, Nackley JF, Testa MA. Symptom distress check lists as a component of quality of life measurement: Comparing symptom reports with responses to multiple choice questionnaires. Drug Inf J 1995; 1689S-1707S.
  • Testa MA and Lenderking WR. Quality of life considerations in clinical trials of persons with HIV infection" in AIDS Clinical Trials (Eds., Finkelstein D and Schoenfeld D), Wiley-Liss,New York, 1995, pp 213-241.
  • El-Hajj Fuleihan G, Testa MA, Angell JE, Porrino N, LeBoff MS. Reproducibility of dual-energy X-ray absorptiometry: A model for bone loss estimates. J Bone Miner Res 1995:10;1004-1014.
  • Lenderking WR, Nackley JF, Anderson RB, Testa MA. A review of quality-of-life aspects of urinary urge incontinence. PharmacoEconomics 1996;9:11-23.
  • Testa MA and Simonson DC. Assessing quality-of-life outcomes. N Engl J Med 1996;334:835-840.
  • Testa MA. The Medical Outcomes Study. (Letter), JAMA 1996; 275:1083.
  • Milberger S, Faraone SV, Biederman J, Testa M, Tsuang MT. New phenotype definition of attention deficit hyperactivity disorder in relatives for genetic analyses. American Journal of Medical Genetics 1996; 67(4):369-77.
  • Gill PS. Mitsuyasu RT, Montgomery T, Huang J. Cabriales S. Testa M, Espina BM, Levine AM, Miles SA. AIDS Clinical Trials Group Study 094: a phase I/II trial of ABV chemotherapy with zidovudine and recombinant human GM-CSF in AIDS-related Kaposi's sarcoma . Cancer Journal from Scientific American. 1997; 3(5):278-83.
  • Kaplan LD, Straus DJ, Testa MA, Von Roenn J, Dezube BJ, Cooley TP, Herndier B, Northfelt DW, Huan J, Tulpule A, Levine A for the NIAID AIDS Clinical Trials Group. Randomized trial of standard-dose vs. Low-dose mBACOD chemotherapy for HIV-associated non-Hodgkin's lymphoma. N Engl J Med 1997;336:1642-8.
  • Lenderking WR, Testa MA, Katsenstein D, Hammer S. Measuring quality of life in HIV disease: the modular approach. Qual Life Res 1997;6:515-530.
  • Carroll J, Testa MA, El-Hajj Fuleihan G. Modeling fracture risk using bone density, age and years since menopause. Amer J Prev Med, 1997;13:447-452.
  • Krown SE, Testa M, Huang J. AIDS-related Kaposi's Sarcoma: Prospective validation of the AIDS Clinical Trials Group staging system. Journal of Clinical Oncology 1997; 15:3085-3092.
  • Testa MA and Turner RR. Assessment of quality of life in hypertension and its bearing on compliance. International Journal of Clinical Practice 1997; Suppl. 92:19-22.
  • Testa MA, Quality of life, adherence and antihypertenisve therapy (In Japanese) . Presented at the 95th Japanese Society of Internal Medicine, Fukuoka, Japan.Circulation Insights, Life Sciences Publishing. Summer, 1998 (No. 2): 8-13.
  • Testa MA, Simonson DC, Turner RR. Valuing quality of life and improvements in glycemic control in people with type 2 diabetes, Diabetes Care. 1998; 21 (Suppl 3):C44-C52.
  • Straus DJ, Huang J, Testa MA, Levine AM and Kaplan LD. Prognostic factors in the treatment of human immunodeficiency virus --Associated non-hodgkin's lymphoma. Analysis of AIDS Clinical Trials Group Protocol 142 -- low dose vs. standard dose m-BACOD plus granulocyte-macrophage colony stimulating factor, Journal of Clinical Oncology. 1998; 16;3601-3606.
  • Testa MA, Simonson DC. Health economic benefits and quality of life during improved glycemic control in patients with type 2 diabetes mellitus: A randomized controlled, double-blind trial. JAMA; 1998;280:1490-1496.
  • Testa MA, Turner RR, Krafcik MB, Simonson DC, Calvo C, Luque-Otero M. and the Nifedipine GITS Study Group. Quality of life and calcium channel blockade with nifedipine GITS versus amlodipine in hypertensive patients in Spain. Journal of Hypertension 1998; 16:1839-1847.
  • Testa MA and Lenderking WR. The impact of AIDS-associated wasting on quality of life: Qualitative issues of measurement and evaluation. Journal of Nutrition, 1999;129:282S-289S.
  • Lenderking WR, Tennen H, Nackley JF, Hale MS, Turner RR , Testa MA. Effects of venlafaxine on social activity level in depressed outpatients. J Clin Psychiatry 1999; 60:157-163.
  • Rabkin CS, Testa MA, Huang J, Von Roenn JH. Kaposi's Sarcoma and non-hodgkin's lymphoma incidence trends in AIDS Clinical Trials Group Study Partcipants, Journal of AIDS, J Acquir Immune Defic Syndr 1999 Aug 1;21 Suppl 1:S31-3.
  • Blonde L, Dey J, Testa MA, Guthrie D. Defining and measuring quality of diabetes care. Diabetes 1999:26;841-855.
  • Turner RR and Testa MA. Measuring the impact of onychomycosis on patient quality of life. Quality of Life Research 2000; 9:39-53.
  • Testa MA. Quality -of-Life Assessment in diabetes research: Interpreting the magnitude and meaning of treatment effects. Diabetes Spectrum 2000:13; 36-41.
  • Testa MA. Interpretation of quality of life outcomes: Issues that affect magnitude and meaning. Medical Care 2000;38 [suppl II]:II-166-II-174.
  • Testa MA. Methods and applications of quality-of-life measurement during antihypertensive therapy. Curr Hypertens Rep. 2000 (6):530-7.
  • Langley PC, Testa MA. Can you measure the quality of this life? Interview by Lauren M. Walker. Bus Health 2000 Oct;18(9):42-4, 47-8.
  • Bacon CG, Giovannucci E, Testa M, Kawachi I. The impact of cancer treatment on quality of life outcomes for patients with localized prostate cancer. J Urol 2001 Nov;166(5):1804-10.
  • Bacon CG, Giovannucci E, Testa M, Glass TA, Kawachi I. The association of treatment-related symptoms with quality-of-life outcomes for localized prostate carcinoma patients. Cancer 2002; 94:862-71.
  • Krown SE, Li P, Von Roenn JH, Paredes J, Huang J and Testa MA. Efficacy of low -dose interferon with antiretroviral therapy in Kaposi's sarcoma: A randomized Phase II AIDS Clinical Trials Group Study. Journal of Interferon and Cytokine Research 2002; 22:295-303.
  • Evans SR. Krown SE. Testa MA. Cooley TP. Von Roenn JH. Phase II evaluation of low-dose oral etoposide for the treatment of relapsed or progressive AIDS-related Kaposi's sarcoma: an AIDS Clinical Trials Group clinical study. Journal of Clinical Oncology 2002; 20:3236-41.
  • Miles SA, Testa M, Huang J, Wade M, Carden J, Scadden DT. Lack of antitumor activity and intolerance of interleukin-4 in patients with advanced HIV disease and Kaposi's sarcoma. J Interferon Cytokine Res. 2002 Nov;22(11):1143-8.
  • Yang CC, Jick SS, Testa MA. Who receives lipid-lowering drugs: the effects of comorbidities and patient characteristics on treatment initiation. British Journal of Clinical Pharmacology 2003; 55, 288-298.
  • Yang CC, Jick SS, Testa MA. Discontinuation and switching of therapy after initiation of lipid-lowering drugs: the effects of comorbidities and patient characteristics. Br J Clin Pharmacol. 2003; 56: 84-91.
  • Testa, MA. Improving diabetes therapy: Improving satisfaction. Diabetes Voice 2003; 48: 23 - 25.
  • Chou SC, Heather Palmer R, Ezhuthachan S, Newman C, Pradell-Boyd, B, Maisels J, Testa MA. Management of Hyperbilirubinemia in Newborns: Measuring Performance by Using a Benchmarking Model. Pediatrics 2004; 112: 1264-1273.
  • Reynolds NR, Testa MA, Marc L, Chesney MA Neidig JL, Smith SR, Vella S, Robbins GK for the Protocol Teams of ACTG 384, ACTG 731 and A5031s. Factors influencing medication adherence beliefs and self-efficacy in persons naïve to antiretroviral therapy: a multi-center, cross-sectional study. AIDS and Behavior, 2004; 8:141-150.
  • Su M, Testa MA. Latent Variable Growth Model Approach to Analyzing Multiple Health Outcomes from Clinical Trials, Book Chapter, in press. (ge book)
  • Fletcher CV, Testa MA, Brundage RC, Chesney MA, Haubrich R, Acosta EP, Martinez A, Jiang H, Gulick RM. Four measures of antiretroviral medication adherence and virologic response in AIDS clinical trials group study 359. J Acquir Immune Defic Syndr. 2005 Nov 1;40(3):301-6.
  • Beal AC, Chou SC, Palmer RH, Testa MA, Newman C, Ezhuthachan S. Related Articles, The changing face of race: risk factors for neonatal hyperbilirubinemia. Pediatrics. 2006 May;117(5):1618-25.
  • Straus DJ, Testa MA, Sarokhan BJ, Czuczman MS, Tulpule A, Turner RT, Riggs SA. Treatment of Mild Anemia: a Randomized Trial of Epoetin Alfa in Patients Receiving Chemotherapy for Hematologic Malignancies, Cancer, 2006;107:1909-1917.
  • Meaney PA, Nadkarni VM, Cook EF, Testa M, Helfaer M, Kaye W, Larkin GL, Berg RA; American Heart Association National Registry of Cardiopulmonary Resuscitation Investigators. Higher survival rates among younger patients after pediatric intensive care unit cardiac arrests. Pediatrics. 2006;118:2424-33.
  • Dorn BC, Savoia E, Testa MA, Stoto MA, Marcus LJ.Development of a Survey Instrument to Measure Connectivity to Evaluate National Public Health Preparedness and Response Performance, Public Health Reports, in press
  • Selected Published Abstracts - Major Scientific Meetings - last 10 years only

  • Testa MA, Turner RR, Simonson DC. Feasibility and Validation of an Electronic Patient Diary and Internet-Based Clinical Management System in Insulin-Treated Type 1 and 2 Diabetes Patients. Diabetes 2006.
  • Testa MA, Turner RR, Simonson DC.Reducing Barriers to Insulin Use in Persons Aged 65 Years and Older: A Comparison of Inhaled and Injectable Insulin, Diabetes, 2006.
  • Simonson DC, Turner RR, Testa, MA. Simonson DC Validity of Glycemic Variability and Control Assessed by 4-Point Profiles vs Continuous Glucose Monitoring, Diabetes, 2006.
  • Testa MA, Hayes JF, Turner RR, Simonson DC. Quality of Life Improvements in Type 2 Diabetes when Exubera is Added after Failure on Metformin Monotherapy: An International Randomized Phase 3 Trial. Diabetes 2004.
  • Scranton RE, Su M, Turner RR, Testa MA. Quality-of-Life Considerations for Insulin versus Oral Agent Therapy in Persons Presenting with Characteristics of Latent Autoimmune Diabetes in Adults (LADA). Diabetes 2004.
  • Testa MA, Turner RR, Hayes JF, Scranton RE, Simonson DC. Satisfaction and Quality of Life with Sulfonylurea Plus Either Metformin or Exubera : An International Randomized Phase 3 Trial. Diabetes 2004.
  • Reynolds NR, Testa MA, Su, M, Chesney MA, Robbins GG for the Protocol Teams of ACTG 384 Baseline predictors of adherence to antiretrovirals in treatment naive HIV+ subjects (ACTG 384) and subsequent regimen failure. 2nd IAS Conference on HIV Pathogenesis and Treatment, Paris, July 13 - 16, 2003.
  • Thompson M, Turner R, Su M, Testa MA, Kotler D, Gertner J, , Muurahainen N. Recombinant human growth hormone (rhgh) enhances patient-reported body image and improves quality of life in HARS (HIV-associated adipose redistribution syndrome). 2nd IAS Conference on HIV Pathogenesis and Treatment, Paris, July 13 - 16, 2003.
  • Testa MA, Hayes JF, Turner RR, Simonson DC. Obesity in Type 2 diabetes is associated with reduced quality of life. Diabetes 2003; 52 (Suppl 1): A39.
  • Testa MA, Turner RR, Simonson DC. Effects of lower blood glucose and reduced inter-day glucose variability on quality of life in type 2 diabetes. Diabetes 2003; 52 (Suppl 1): A420.
  • Fletcher CV, Testa MA, Haubrich R, Brundage R, Jiang H, Ickovics J, Martinez A, Snyder S, Gulick R.Relationships among Four Measures of Medication Adherence and Virologic Response in ACTG 359, 10th Conference on Retrovirus and Opportunistic Infections, Boston, February 10 - 14, 2003.
  • Straus DJ, Turner RR, Testa MA, Hayes JF, Sarokhan BJ and the Procrit Hematologic Malignancies Study Group. Epoetin Alfa Treatment Improves Quality of Life and Increases Hemoglobin Levels during Chemotherapy for Lymphoma, Chronic Lymphocytic Leukemia (CLL), and Multiple Myeloma (MM) Patients with Mild-to-Moderate Anemia. 44th Annual American Society of Hematology Meeting and Exposition, Philadelphia, December 6-10, 2002
  • Testa MA, Thompson M, Turner RR , Muurahainen N , Gertner JM. The impact of HIV-associated adipose redistribution syndrome on psychological well-being and quality of life: A cross-sectional survey. XIV International AIDS Conference, Barcelona, July 7 - 12, 2002.
  • Kotler DP, Thompson M, Grunfeld C, Testa MA, Turner R, Joseph Gertner J, Muurahainen N. Growth Hormone (Serostimreg;) effectively reduces viceral adipose tissue (VAT) accumulation and non-HDL cholesterol. XIV International AIDS Conference, Barcelona, July 7 - 12, 2002.
  • Reynolds NR, Testa MA, Marc LG, Chesney MA, J L Neidig JL, Smith SR, Vella S, Robbins GG. Psychosocial influences of attitudes and beliefs toward medication adherence in HIV+ persons naive to antiretroviral therapy: A cross-sectional survey. XIV International AIDS Conference, Barcelona, July 7 - 12, 2002.
  • Testa MA, Turner RR, Hayes JF, Simonson DC. Patient satisfaction with insulin therapy in type 2 diabetes: A randomized trial of injectable vs. inhaled insulin. Diabetes 2002; 51 (Suppl 2): A135.
  • Su M, Testa MA, Turner RR and Simonson, DC. The relationship between regimen burden and psychological well being in persons with type 2 diabetes: Inhaled vs. injectable insulin. Diabetes 2002; 51 (Suppl 2): A448-449.
  • Testa MA, Hayes JF, Turner RR, Simonson DC. Differential effects of reducing fasting vs post-prandial glucose on symptoms of hyperglycemia and hypoglycemia in type 2 diabetes. Diabetes 2002; 51 (Suppl 2): A478.
  • Testa MA, Turner RR, Hayes JF, Simonson DC. Intensive therapy and patient satisfaction in type 1 diabetes: A randomized trial of injected vs. inhaled insulin. Diabetologia 2001; 44(suppl1); A4.
  • Turner RR, Testa MA, Hayes JF, Simonson DC. Patient satisfaction with intensive insulin therapy in type 2 diabetes: A randomized trial of insulin pen vs. pump. Diabetologia 2001; 44(Suppl1): A26.
  • Testa MA, Turner RR, Hayes JF, Simonson DC. Patient acceptance and satisfaction with intensive insulin therapy in type 2 diabetes: A randomized trial of the insulin pen vs. pump. Diabetes 2001; 50 (Suppl 2): A428.
  • Simonson DC , Hayes JF, Turner RR Testa MA,. Treatment satisfaction and preferences in type 2 diabetes: A randomized trial of oral agents vs. inhaled insulin.. Diabetes 2001; 50 (Suppl 2): A131.
  • Testa MA, Turner RR, Hayes JF, Simonson DC. Patient satisfaction and quality of life in type 1 diabetes: A randomized trial of injectable vs. inhaled insulin. Diabetes 2001; 50 (Suppl 2): A45.
  • Testa MA, Hayes JF, Turner RR, Simonson DC. Improved quality of life is associated with improved glycemic control in type 2 diabetes: An international, multi-cultural, multi-center, placebo-control clinical trial. Diabetes 2000 49(Suppl 1): A73.
  • Simonson DC and Testa MA. Estimating rates of myocardial infarction in patients with type 2 diabetes on oral antidiabetic medications using an insurance claims database. Diabetes 1999, 48 (Suppl 1): A398.
  • Blonde L, Guthrie RD, Testa MA, O'Brien TW, Zimmerman RS, Sandberg MI, Theodoras SH, Parkes JL, Ginsberg BH. Diabetes Management by a team of diabetes nurse educators, endocrinologists and primary care physicians in a managed care environment. Diabetes 1999, 48 (Suppl 1): A198.
  • Testa MA, Hayes JF, Turner RR, Simonson DC. Tolerance of Glipizide GITS (GITS) vs. Metformin (MET) and the impact on health care utilization as measured by patient Self-Reports. Diabetes 1999, 48 (Suppl 1):A116.
  • Testa MA, Blonde l, Hayes JF, Simonson DC. Symptom and psychological mediators of improved quality of life (QOL) during stages diabetes management (SDM) versus Usual Care (UC) in type 2 diabetes. Diabetes 1999 (Suppl 1), 48:A9.
  • Simonson DC and Testa MA. Health care expenditures during progression from oral agent to insulin therapy in type 2 diabetes. Diabetes 1998 (Suppl 1), 47:A59.
  • Simonson DC and Testa MA. Cost of oral antidiabetic therapy in patients with type 2 diabetes. Diabetes 1998 (Suppl 1), 47:A60.
  • Testa MA, Turner RA, Simonson DC. Evaluating patient preferences for states of health and quality of life in persons with Type 2 diabetes. Diabetes 1998 (Suppl 1), 47:A324.
  • Turner R, Testa M, Krafcik MB, Simonson D, Esteban E, Manero M, Luque M. Differential effect of calcium channel blockade on patient quality of life: Nifedipine GITS vs. Amlodipine in mild to moderate hypertension. Drug Information Journal 1998: 4;1434-1435
  • Testa M and Simonson D. Health economic benefits of improved glycemic control. Diabetes 1997 (S1), 47:36A
  • Testa M and Simonson D. Beneficial effects of improved glycemic control with glipizide GITS on quality of life and symptoms in NIDDM. Diabetologia 1996: 39 (Suppl 1); A231
  • Testa MA, Simonson DC. Beneficial effects of improved glycemic control with glipizide GITS on quality of life and symptom distress in NIDDM. Diabetes. May 1996;45(Suppl 2): 123A Abstract 450.
  • Turner RR and Testa MA. Increasing utility weight sensitivity to change: the functional range. Journal D'Economic Medicale,